Reconnecting Dell PawerVault MD1000 Enclosure

Posted by p_lider November 7th, 2010

If you will ever need to disconnect and then reconnect the Dell PawerVault MD1000 Enclosure from any of your servers, for example while moving whole server room to a different location, then make a detailed note of how it was connected before to the RAID controllers. Reconnecting the enclosure to a different controller or to another connector in the same controller will cause the RAID configuration to be LOST!!! After that, the only way to make the RAID work again will be to import old RAID configuration manually (if previously exported or memmorized) or to create new RAID from scratch and restore the data from a backup.

2 Responses

  1. luk says:

    Does this blog entry is the result of your own painfull experience with this hardware?:)